What is Padel?

Padel is a racquet sport that combines elements of tennis, squash, and badminton. It is typically played in doubles on an enclosed court with dimensions smaller than a traditional tennis court. Padel originated in Mexico and has gained popularity in various parts of the world, particularly in Europe and Latin America.

Key features of padel include:

  1. Court Dimensions: The standard padel court is 20 meters in length and 10 meters in width. It is enclosed by walls on all sides, and the playing area includes both the court surface and the surrounding walls.

  2. Walls: The court is surrounded by transparent walls, usually made of glass, which allows the ball to rebound off them during play. The walls are integral to the game, adding an element of strategy and making rallies more dynamic.

  3. Scoring: Padel follows a scoring system similar to tennis. Points are scored when the ball lands in the opponent's half of the court. The scoring area is marked on both sides of the net.

  4. Serving: The game begins with an underhand serve, and the server must bounce the ball on the court before hitting it. The serve must be directed diagonally to the opponent's service box, similar to tennis.

  5. Volleying: Padel is known for its net-centric gameplay, with volleys and smashes being common strategies. Players can use the walls to their advantage, incorporating angled shots and rebounds into their play.

  6. Doubles Play: Padel is predominantly played in doubles, and teamwork is crucial. The smaller court size encourages quick exchanges and close collaboration between partners.

  7. Equipment: Players use solid paddles, which are perforated with holes, and the game is played with a depressurized tennis ball. The paddles are shorter than tennis rackets but have a similar shape.

  8. Scoring System: Padel uses the same scoring system as tennis, with points being awarded as 15, 30, 40, and game. Matches are typically best of three sets.

Padel is known for its accessibility, making it a popular choice for players of all ages and skill levels. The enclosed court and use of walls create a social and engaging atmosphere, making it a sport that is both enjoyable to play and watch. Its relatively easy learning curve and emphasis on strategy have contributed to its growing global popularity.